Stainless steel rod holders are drilled and countersunk for 1/4" bolts. It is highly recommended that these units be "through-bolted", and not attached with screws, when possible. Top (plate)...
Stainless steel rod holders are drilled and countersunk for 1/4" bolts. It is highly recommended that these units be "through-bolted", and not attached with screws, when possible. Top (plate)...
Stainless steel rod holders are drilled and countersunk for 1/4" bolts. It is highly recommended that these units be "through-bolted", and not attached with screws, when possible. Top (plate)...
Attwood stainless steel rod holders feature a U.V-resistant polymer liner that protects the finish on rod and reel and a U.V-resistant cover cap/gasket that closes the tube when not in use. Open-end...